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Amphibian & Reptile Orders Poster

Amphibians and Reptiles Poster

A153 Amphibians & Reptiles
    These animals are often confused by people, so they are treated together. “Amphibian” comes from the Greek amphi, meaning “both,” and bios, meaning “life.” It has two meanings. First, the animals physically change. Reproduction is accomplished through external fertilization. The female spawns her eggs in water where they are fertilized by the male. After hatching, most amphibians undergo a dramatic change known as metamorphosis. They slowly change from fishlike, water-dwelling animals to ones better suited for life on land. Fins and gills become legs and lungs. The most well-known example is the change from tadpole to frog. Second, the term also refers to the fact that these animals live first in water and later on land.
   Reptiles reproduce by sexual intercourse and internal fertilization, just like mammals. Amniotic eggs develop within the mother’s abdomen. Once they are sufficiently developed, the mother lays them and they hatch. However, some reptiles give birth to live young.

Vertebrate Orders Set

This is one of the posters in our Vertebrate Order Set.


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